Conference room management
Roombooking is the perfect complete solution for managing and booking conference rooms and welcoming visitors. Our touchscreens provide an overview of all the company’s conference rooms and allow you to search for rooms according to specific criteria: seating capacity, technical options and any other parameter entered into the system.
Meeting rooms overview
RoomBooking is an integrated solution that offers a real-time overview of availability and upcoming bookings for all the conference rooms in the system. Consequently, situations where two meetings are simultaneously vying for the same conference room are avoided. The availability of rooms can be checked using the small tablet in each room, the large general screen or billboard that is also touch sensitive as well as from a personal computer or mobile telephone.
Management and overview of the guests
You have exactly the same detailed overview of visitors arriving from outside the building as you have of the conference rooms. Visitors register using an email address or ID-card, after which a name tag is automatically printed for them, they receive Wi-Fi passwords (if requested), and are directed to the correct conference room. The employees they have come to meet will be notified via a short message or e-mail.